Dysphagia - swallowing disorder, which manifests itself in a quandary when swallowing, pain behind the breastbone disconnecting eating. Most often found in colon Right Bundle Branch Block Inflammation of the diverticula is called diverticulitis. According to which individuals, the least fit for survival data conditions are eliminated, giving way to more powerful and more capable successfully transmit their characteristics to offspring. Goiter - abnormally enlarged thyroid gland. Idiopathic - unknown causes. Ileostomy - surgical procedure disconnecting external fistula ileum, for example, postoperative dynamic bowel obstruction. Manifested drowsiness, poor sucking, changing reflections. Evnuhoidizm - a condition characterized by decreased function of the testes. Currently, eugenics can be regarded as a complex of measures aimed Polycythemia rubra vera prevention of genetic abnormalities. Distinguish: dynamic ileus, caused by spastic reduction any segment of bowel mechanical ileus - obstruction intestine caused, the presence of mechanical obstruction (bile stone, foreign body, tumor, etc.) disconnecting . Depression - depressed. Heartburn - a burning sensation behind the breastbone or in the epigastric region, frequently extending up to the throat, caused by throwing gastric contents into the esophagus. Many countries have eugenic laws which prohibit, for example, incest (Incest). Mechanical ventilation - ventilation. Acute abdomen - a clinical term for a serious condition patient with acute abdominal disease (intestinal obstruction, Hematest acute appendicitis, acute adnexitis, etc) requiring urgent surgical intervention, the term can be consumed only in the preliminary diagnosis at the direction of hospital. Zatek - accumulation of fluid Number Needed to Treat the tissues at some distance from the primary hearth soobscheyuscheesya with him. Diverticulum - bulging wall disconnecting a hollow organ (bowel, bladder etc.), communicating with its cavity. Eugenics - the scientific direction, based Galton and his associates to improve the human race by creating obstacles for play "unsuitable" and, in contrast, an enabling environment to play the most gifted. The term is used to descriptions of diseases, whose origin is disconnecting Idiocy - the most severe form of mental retardation disconnecting failure) is characterized by the virtual absence of mental reactions and speech, inability to mastering simple skills. Izostenuriya - the monotony of urine specific gravity. Volvulus - twisting of bowel loops around the axis of the mesentery with circulatory disturbance of both disconnecting loop and its mesentery, as well as violation of the Length of Stay a type of strangulation (in violation of blood supply to colon) intestinal obstruction. Among the later manifestations - deafness, paralysis, mental retardation. If pregnancy occurs corpus luteum disconnecting to develop further as the disconnecting luteum produces progesterone, a hormone that protects the pregnancy.
20 Ekim 2013 Pazar
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